This track was recorded live over 4th Of July weekend 2003 and was only present on the albums full CD release that was available from The track as well as the entire album became lost media when was shut down until 2020 when the album was released again by previous band members.

Before we save the future, we’ve got to bring the past
Like Bill & Ted’s adventure it was excellent at best
And everyone who was there was really happy that they passed
I know I’m not your kind of guy but please don’t just reject me
I’ve never gotten drunk but I’d be a punk if my mom would let me
And everyone except for you knows that we’d be really good
I’d be a punk if my mom would let me (x4)

> I’d Be a Punk (2003 Demo Disc)

> I’d Be a Punk (The 4th Of JuLive)

> I’d Be a Punk (Understanding The Brobecks)

> New Years Special (January 1st 2004)

I’d Be a Punk
Release:The 4th Of JuLive
Officially Released?Yes
Highest Quality:CD Rip
Mike GrossGuitar, Backing Vox
Dallon WeekesVocals, Bass
Scott JonesPiano, Backing Vox
Matt GlassDrums
Casey DurransGuitar?