*Bunch Of Nerds*
These are the people running this thing for one reason or another, Mostly Sled right now but Jules is alive I promise.
If you need to get in contact with us here be dragons.
Sled Masters

Sled came into existence some time in 2018 with one goal, to figure out the actual history of The Brobecks. The bands discography and everything to do with them was pretty poorly understood by the wider fandom at that point. Sled was invited by some people in a discord server to join The Brobecks archive project, that project then did it’s job, and somehow sled came out of it as “The Brobecks Guy”, the end – Sledbed

Jules adds these later
Jules also helped with The Brobecks archive project mentioned under sledbed over there and that’s how they know each other. Jules will be working on the site at some point probably just uhhhh Sled still needs to figure out giving people permissions and stuff honestly.