File Access Granted, Welcome To The Brobecks Archive
The Brobecks discography is extensive and information about it is relatively obscure, misinformation runs rampant about various aspects of the bands works. This archive aims to fix that, a comprehensive archive of everything the band created, along with accurate information pertaining to all releases. All of this was gathered over the course of several years by people devoted to preserving the band and its history.
Note: This archive aims to catalogue and provide information pertaining to The Brobecks discography, not provide the music itself. Due to the majority of the bands discography no longer being available for legitimate purchase we will offer some downloads, with the following restrictions. 1) Nothing that can currently be purchased (Ex: Small Cuts EP, Violent Things) will be available, obviously. 2) Concerning things that were never publicly released by the band, nothing primarily featuring the vocals and/or writing of Dallon Weekes will be available for download unless explicit permission has been given. These rules are in place to ensure The Brobecks archive project can remain active in cooperation with band members past & present. If any issues are taken with this our contact info is in the ‘About Us’ tab, let’s talk about it.