Unlike Vol. 1, which was released all at once, the tracks for Vol. 2 were released sporadically over late 2004 to early 2005. It uses the same cover art as Vol. 1 and was never directly referred to as Vol. 2 in any archive of the original web pages.

The first remix was shared on Matt’s website on October 7th, 2004. It was a remix of Ollie, titled Olly Wins! “I told you there’d be more. A quick dance remix of Ollie from The Brobecks upcoming album.” – The Brobecks Website

The next remix was shared on Matts website on November 15th 2004, another remix of Ollie titled Olly Faces The Dragon. Due to incomplete archives it is unknown when this track was added to the bands own website.

The final track was added to Vol. 2 at some point in 2005, but an exact release date is not known. The track is a remix of an acoustic recording for the song Nicole that Mike made in 2004, dubbed Nicole (Premix) as a full Brobecks recording was in the works.

The cover art of this release is snow on Antelope Island in Utah, due to low quality cover art used for this release many people think it’s a desert. The original picture Matt Glass used for this cover art is featured on his deviantart page, using this we constructed a 1:1 remake of the cover art after identifying the fonts used.

After The Brobecks redesigned their website in 2005 all tracks from Remixing The Brobecks were available for download and it was presented as one release. I separate them into volumes as that is how they were originally released and it feels more authentic. You can do whatever you want because I’m not your dad.

Release Date: Various
Mike GrossGuitar, Vocals
Dallon WeekesBass, Vocals
Matt GlassDrums, Production
Bryan SzymanskiKeyboard, Piano
1Olly Wins!Dallon Weekes
2Olly Faces The DragonDallon Weekes
3Nicole (Premix)Mike Gross