It’s unknown exactly when and where the band created this demo, but it can be narrowed down to March of 2005. This is the only recording of I’ll Break Your Arm to feature Matt Glass and Bryan Szymanski playing on it as they would leave the band before future recordings were made.


> I’ll Break Your Arm (First Demo)
> I’ll Break Your Arm (No Vocal Demo)
> I’ll Break Your Arm (The Brobecks EP)
> I’ll Break Your Arm (Goodnight, and Have a Pleasant Tomorrow)

> To Be Added

I’ll Break Your Arm
Release(s):2 New Songs (Demo Disc)
Officially Released?No
Highest Quality:320 MP3
Mike GrossBacking Vox, Guitar
Dallon WeekesVocals, Bass
Bryan SzymanskiKeyboard
Matt GlassDrums