This track was recorded live over 4th Of July weekend 2003 and was only present on the albums full CD release that was available from The track as well as the entire album became lost media when was shut down until 2020 when the album was released again by previous band members.

While the track list for the original “Complete” JuLive is unknown we can be certain Downtown was the closer, as this track features a hidden track tacked on to the end. After a bit of silence the song Human Shoe by Matt Glass plays.

Pretty girls in cars, wait for boys in bars
Thank your lucky stars, he didn’t give you SARs
Hot scene on the street, sexy people meet
Can you feel the heat? Best get off this beat
Same old scene going down, let me take you downtown
Would you still stick around? Let me take you downtown
Don’t look at me, you know it ain’t my scene
Such a pretty thing, all your magazines
Same old scene going down, let me take you downtown
Would you still stick around? Let me take you downtown

[Human Shoe Commences]

> Downtown (The 4th Of JuLive)

> Downtown (Understanding The Brobecks)

> Downtown (JuLive Remaster)
> Downtown (UTB 2024 Mix)

> Mikes Acoustics (January 11th 2004)
> Garage Performance #2 (September 30th 2004)
> Garage Performance #2 Remastered (September 30th 2004)

Release:The 4th Of JuLive
Officially Released?Yes
Highest Quality:CD Rip
Mike GrossVocals, Guitar
Dallon WeekesBass, Backing Vox
Scott JonesLead Guitar, Backing Vox
Matt GlassDrums, Human Shoe