This track was recorded live over 4th Of July weekend 2003 and was included as a free download on the bands page, as well as a free download on The Brobecks first website for a period of time.

According to the tracks Page “This song is about man’s obsession and love affair with technology and how it makes our lives easier.” On the bandcamp page for this track Dallon writes “In retrospect…It’s just a Phantom Planet rip-off…sorry.”

The track as well as the entire album became lost media when was shut down until 2020 when the album was released again by previous band members.

I didn’t mean to creep you out
But sometimes it’s alright to scream and shout, it out
I wanna meet your mom and dad
I’m sorry if that makes you a little bit upset
I didn’t mean to creep you out but your love makes me scream and shout
and it knocks me out (x3) I know (x2)
I didn’t mean to creep you out but your love makes me scream and shout
and it knocks me out (x3) I know (x2)

> Didn’t Mean To (The 4th Of JuLive)

> Didn’t Mean To (Understanding The Brobecks)
> Didn’t Mean To Descend Into The Pits Of Hell (A Love Story)

> None that I’m aware of

Didn’t Mean To
Release:The 4th Of JuLive
Officially Released?Yes
Highest Quality:CD Rip
Mike GrossGuitar, Backing Vox
Dallon WeekesBass, Vocals
Scott JonesLead Guitar, Backing Vox
Matt GlassDrums
This recording was available on The Brobecks original website.